Archive for October, 2012


October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween everyone!

Okay if you want to hear more about stuff I somewhat mentioned in my previous post watch my latest episodes of my web series Nerd4ia!


October 29, 2012

So this month has passed like a storm. Sudden and sharp, but not lingering long. I’ve been missing due to either being tired or just being forgetful. I’ve seen a couple good movies: Argo, and Cloud Atlas among them. Cloud Atlas is a marvel and everyone should see it. I mean everyone! It’s a love story/scifi adventure/Crime Story/comedy that tugs at the heart strings in all the right ways. A somewhat confusing interwoven story of the highest degree. Tom Hanks, Jim Broadbent, Jim Sturgess, Hught Grant, Suasan Sarandon, Halle Berry and others weave together an amazing tale of multiple lives and times, playing several dfifferent characters throughout the course of it. The creators of the Matrix are to thank for this cinematic genius! Wow is all I can say. It’s hard to explain, but once you get into the film, it grows more clear. And it is surprising, and heartbreaking at every turn. Watch it! It’s based on a novel, which I promptly bought afterwards. I only imagine it must be a powerhouse of a book.

I’ve been scaring people in a corn maze. Not really forte or my liking, but I was asked to do it, so I tried it out. When there weren’t people it was boring. When there were people the cornfield is surprisingly awesome terrain to play around with as far as where to hop out or where to just stand, or where you can sneak up on people. A lot of fun, especially this last final night when we destroyed the whole field. Also now that this is over and we’re all hunkering down for a storm that may not even hurt us, You will hear more from me as long as the power is still on. I guarantee it.

Electile Dysfunction 2012

October 20, 2012

I don’t like posting about such things on here but after all the ignorance I have been hearing flow through my ears in regards to the election I can’t ignore it. Ps I’m sorry I’ve been absent for so long.

What we already have under Obama:

-Gay Marriage
-Decent Reproductive Rights
-A still unfulfilled promise of new jobs(which people blame him for, even though he’s blocked at every turn by lobbyists, Senate, Congress)
-Dissapointing Healthcare Reform? (What is Obamacare but a term coined by the GOP? He’s trying to reform our healthcare system, but having to compromise, what we are left with is not something that was his idea, so don’t blame him)
-America climbing out of recession
-A man doing his best to clean up the previous guy’s mess.

Romney’s Plan

-Raise our taxes, while still cutting his(so basically lining his pockets and his offshore holdings)
-Not content to stop at his stance on abortions and birth control, Romney also doesn’t give a crap about women at all.
-Say Goodbye to Gay Marriage
-Cut funding to PBS? (Reason enough to keep him out of office)
-Corporations, which already kind of run the country, will now be located in the White House(Mitt is nothing less than big business at its worst, check out his track record.)
-No Healthcare Reform
-No new jobs
-More inflation

So remember as a last thought,
If you decide not to vote to re-elect Obama because he falls short in some way to you, why would you turn around and elect the worse of two evils as it were. We as Americans have more than two choices and hardly ever exercise them. And considering some of Obama’s better ideas are blocked at every turn in Congress, also pay more attention to who you vote into The House and the Senate. You’ll be glad you did.