Archive for August, 2014


August 30, 2014

Are you tired, stressed, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, just some kind of “whelmed,” happy, sad, angry, insecure, nervous, anxious, or any other variety of emotions? Congratulations! You have just realized what it means to be alive and possess a consciousness. People that don’t feel pain are probably lying to you. People who can’t feel two or more contradictory emotions at the exact same time must be robots programmed to only feel one thing. You can’t just feel one thing, it doesn’t work that way. You can however feel one thing so much more strongly than others, whether it’s faith, love, or connected to your spiritual path, etc. And isn’t that sometimes the best and worst feeling? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. See what I did there? But basically, if you feel so strongly about this thing, if it’s this important to you, try not to lose sight of it, try not to be discouraged, and just let certain things fall as they may. You’ll be glad you did.

September is coming..

August 30, 2014

Now, how the fuck did that happen? Time seems to be moving very erratically these days, with the weeks that feel like entire months, and the days that feel like hours, and the hours that sometimes feel like days. So that being said, isn’t it silly that we ever try hard to quantify time, when it seems to have it’s own agenda in relation to our individual perceptions? If time is geting away from you, there is one thing that just might help you. Find a call to action, because they speak louder than words and all that. Find your passions, your drives, your motivations, the things and maybe the people that you would do anything for. When you find those things, keep them close. You will thank me later. Life really doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be, which brings us back to time. If you want something now, don’t make it your goal later on, make it your goal now. I am guilty of letting my goals and dreams fall by the way side several times in the last few years, and let me tell you, it’s no good. If you have a goal stick with it. Yes, there may be setbacks and whatever, but if you don’t try of course you can’t get it. But time is going, at all kinds of speeds, and if you say, “I’ll get to it when I have more time,” you’ll keep saying that, and you’ll run out of time. So live your life and do it now. And find your dreams.

Pearl Jam Twenty

August 22, 2014

This film is sweet! Eddie Vedder is shy? Who knew?

New Music!!

August 22, 2014

So I started a bancamp page using the band name: Darth Brooks, loved the punnyness and all, but turns out I wasn’t the first, and although it didn’t seem to matter, I decided to make a change, and go with my backup name for the time being: Naturally Occurring Sheep. But anyways, long story short, you can now stream, and even buy my music without getting off of your ass. Soul Windows was very fun in process, and I’m very satisfied with our current end result. And for 50 cents how can one go wrong?

Let me know what you think, and if you love it, just get yourself a copy that you can bring everywhere. 🙂


August 17, 2014

Today should have been great. In fact it was. I walked out the door into a warmer day than I had anticipated, sweatshirt on and raring to go out into some cool proto-autumn weather. I swung by the farmer’s market, for some gelato and some yummy thai food. Both are things I have a hard time avoiding, and I”m okay with that. But the whole time I was there, I couldn’t help think, “I must be going to work soon.” Not a fan, I can tell you that right now. But anyone who has read anything on this blog knows this. But I will have you know I am much closer to fixing this problem. The second I got to work, all the energy and enthusiasm I had was gone. And I could feel this dark cloud of negativity weighing down on me, which I get a lot at that place, it’s very imposing, very sterile looking, very industrial, warehouse chic if you want to get technical about it. But tonight, it was different I just couldn’t shake it, but I did do some research when I came home, and there is in fact no record of hinsdale having any haunted places, so isn’t that a funny thing?


August 17, 2014

I sit here with my beer, in front of my computer screen. And I do my best to bring a new entry to life. I know I have slacked, but thus i life, we lose sight of things sometimes. Which is why my life has gone through lots of changes in recent time, most are positive changes of course. But sometimes, when we take a chance, even though, it’s the right choice, even though you know it will pay off, it’s sometimes easy to escape reality, and forget for a minute, that everything is finally okay, that the one thing you thought you couldn’t get, the one thing you wanted so much is about to finally happen, the pieces are about to fall together. Change is great, change is good, change is right, it’s part of life, it’s the universe’s way of saying, “hey, get off your ass.” Everything changed so much over the course of the last couple months, within me, within other people, and a couple weeks ago, I knew there was one change that I could only take care of myself, and so I did. Was I happy about it? Of course. Did I feel like shit? Of course. But did I overall feel really good about the future, about the new chapter that my life was now at? you bet. And all I can say is, the best change is still around the bend.